Friday, December 28, 2012

Reasons for the PDF's Delay

We have finished all the work preparing, illustrating, and reviewing the ebook, "Undeniable Proof That Sheikh Yusuf Estes Has Been Misunderstood".

Its got five clear video evidences that show decisively how Sheikh Yusuf has been misunderstood in issues related to the Quran.

The problem is Blogspot does not support PDFs (!!), so we are looking for another solution. Bear with us, we hope to find a solution to this today, in sha-Allah.

UPDATE: PDF is now available! (CLICK HERE)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Say: My Lord Orders Fairness!

Allah said in the Quran (7:29):
﴿قُلْ أَمَرَ رَبِّي بِالْقِسْطِ﴾
Say: "My Lord has commanded justice, (fairness and honesty)''
Enough said!
May Allah help us all to implement this verse.

Recent Allegations Against Sheikh Yusuf Estes

In late August of 2012, large-scale efforts were launched to educate the Muslims about the deviant and blasphemous teachings of Sheikh Yusuf Estes.
To this day, many people all around the world have actually begun to believe what is being spread on certain websites and forums that Sheikh Yusuf Estes has been teaching lies about the Quran, saying that the Quran is not a book, it’s not here on Earth, we only have a “representation” of it in the mushaf, etc. Claims were even being made that he likened the Quran to paper money and Christian sheet music! Allah’s Forgiveness is sought!
Sheikh Yusuf Estes, despite his health conditions and extensive international speaking engagements, has tried his best to explain his position on his websites, in videos, and even in comments on YouTube. For the last three months, he and his supporters have had one clear message: Sheikh Yusuf Estes has simply been misunderstood! Some people may have mistakenly assumed some things about his usage of certain phrases, and others may have intended malice. Allah knows what lies in the people’s hearts.
These serious allegations originated from a certain American “student of knowledge” living in Saudi Arabia (may Allah guide him). Some of the “errors” were even taken to a senior scholar in Saudi Arabia, and a verdict was even issued for the people not to listen to Sheikh Yusuf Estes anymore! Subhan Allah! Sheikh Yusuf Estes has openly rejected a number of these claims found in the question posed to that scholar, and he has repeated on numerous occasions, I have been grossly misunderstood!
Articles, e-books, and even entire websites have been published in both English and Arabic spreading these serious accusations. The “student of knowledge” has even taken it upon himself to organize a so-called campaign of awareness aimed at educating Muslims about “the blasphemous teachings of Yusuf Estes!” (click here for proof)

So this issue became the focus of the very first efforts of the Muslim Witnesses for Justice, in sha' Allah.  We are almost finished preparing an amazing "end-game" PDF to cut through all the lies and false claims about Sheikh Yusuf Estes and his beliefs. As soon as the students of knowledge finish their final reviews of it, it will be posted here, in sha' Allah.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Supplication for Guidance

Before beginning the serious tasks we hope to fulfill, we call upon Allah alone, the Turner of hearts…

O Allah!

Open our hearts
and allow us to see the Truth for what it is,
and keep us upon it!

O Allah!

Allow us to see falsehood for what it is,
and keep us far from it!

O Allah!

Give us the company of the truthful,
and distance us from liars and slanderers!

And we close this special prayer of ours
with peace and salutations
upon the Prophet Muhammad.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

MW4J Homepage Launched!

Al-hamdulillah, we've just launched our homepage - Muslim Witnesses for Justice!

Our first project will be a decisive response to all the claims being made against Sheikh Yusuf Estes, in sha' Allah. We've put together a great PDF (since some people love PDFs so much) to respond to the serious allegations being spread everywhere.

It is currently in the last stage of review by some graduates of al-Madinah University and Umm al-Qura. This is to put an end to some mischief and misunderstandings being circulated (perhaps maliciously), and to prove without a doubt that Yusuf Estes has been grossly misunderstood in issues about the Quran. May Allah make it successful and reward all those who contributed!

Check back for it within a day or two...